Charity Community Foundation of Kharkiv “Toloka”

The Foundation “Toloka” was founded in 2016



To create positive changes in society, to help active citizens change the life of Kharkiv city and its residents for the better. 



To become an influential agent for the development of Kharkiv region's cultural potential and philanthropy in the community, promoting the implementation of vibrant cultural projects, motivating citizens to voluntarily donate their time, experience, finances and services; to ensure maximum participation of residents in community life.


Our values

Include legality and decency, publicity and transparency, the best world experience and charity standards.


The Foundation works exclusively for charitable purposes and promotes the development of local philanthropy through the involvement of community members in philanthropic activities. We are independent, non-religious, non-governmental, and non-political.

The Foundation is funded by local businesses and individual donors, as well as grants.
As part of its statutory activities, the Foundation implements its projects and supports third-party cultural and humanitarian initiatives. We cooperate and assist only legal entities.


Culture is a vital force in society, an important resource for its development.It teaches us to be tolerant and understand each other through art; public cultural events unite community members, promote social integration, and empower communities, cultural heritage helps future generations not to lose ties with their roots.
Kharkiv region has a huge cultural potential, and we contribute to its development.

Our projects

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KharkivMusic Fest

International festival of classical music with a unique format for Ukraine, combining concerts of classical music with some educational, entertaining and communication events. 

The festival was founded in 2018. It has become an agent of positive changes in city life, contributing to strengthening the image of Kharkiv as one of the musical capitals of Europe. The festival received the EFFE Label 2019-2020 award (European Festival Association EFA). The musicians from the USA, France, Austria, Italy, Great Britain, France, Germany, Poland, Georgia, Romania, Czech Republic, Moldova, Azerbaijan and Ukraine took part in KharkivMusicFest concerts and projects. The number of projects and events of the KharkivMusicFest brand is constantly growing, its annual audience exceeds 300,000 people.
The implementation of such an ambitious project is impossible without strong financial support. In this regard, KharkivMusicFest is an example of a festival that from the initial stage operated without state support or funding from political authorities. It unites philanthropists, and representatives of local businesses, who are members of the Board of Trustees of the festival, to strengthen the brand of Kharkiv as a powerful cultural European centre.

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Kharkiv Music Fest Children's Symphony Orchestra 

A unique project like no other in Ukraine. The orchestra unites talented children and teenagers where they have an opportunity to play together, improve their performing skills, and perform at the best concert venues in Kharkiv, and later in other cities and countries.

KharkivMusicFest Children's Symphony Orchestra was established in 2019. The ensemble unites talented children and teenagers aged 10-18 and allows them to play music together, improve their performing skills, and perform at the best concert venues in the city, and later other cities and countries. Currently, the orchestra consists of more than 50 talented young musicians from different music schools in Kharkiv, chosen on a competitive basis. The repertoire of the orchestra includes the best and most famous examples of symphonic classics performed by outstanding orchestras of the world.
Young musicians have practised with conductors both from different cities of Ukraine (Kharkiv, Kyiv) and from abroad (USA, Germany) during several years of the orchestra's existence, also they had the opportunity to play together with senior experienced colleagues from the leading orchestras of the country - Nova Sinfonietta, "Kyiv Soloists", the orchestra of the Kharkiv Regional Philharmonic.Participation in the orchestra is free for children thanks to the financial support of the Charitable Foundation "Toloka".

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Young Composers Competition named after Boris Lyatoshinsky

The competition aims to develop the creativity of Ukrainian young composers, draw attention to their music works, and develop the professional orientation of young artists in a professional environment.

Young Composers Competition named after Boris Lyatoshinsky was founded in 2019. The goals of the competition are to develop the creativity of young composers in Ukraine, increase the importance of these works, and professional orientation of young artists in a professional environment. It creates artistic space for the self-expression of young composers.
The international jury guarantees objectivity and transparency in the selection of winners. The identity of the contestants has hidden from the jury under fictitious pseudonyms that the participants choose themselves. The competition has no entry fee, all participants are guaranteed equal rights and opportunities. One of the features of the competition is that the works of the winners are presented to the audience and performed by professional musicians at the Call for Genius concert, a bright finale of the competition.

We promote the development of a culture of philanthropy in Ukraine, increase the level of interest of local businesses in charity and establish communication between business representatives and public activists.


Our projects

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Toloka Talks is a communication platform for philanthropists. It was founded in 2016 to establish communication between representatives of public initiatives of Kharkiv city and potential investors who can support projects aimed at the development of the city. It is held in different formats (auctions, presentations of cultural projects, theatrical performances, etc.) to attract more interested participants. 
Toloka Talks promotes the development of charity, expanding the circle of potential donors from among local businesses.

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Charity should become a part of corporate culture, as well as corporate social responsibility. Business representatives realize that they cannot exist outside of society, so they are interested in solving the problems of society, in promoting its development. But how to do it, what advantages business will have if it is engaged in charity - we are always informing entrepreneurs about these issues. 
In cooperation with experts in the field of taxation and accounting, we have published a practical guide on taxation and accounting of charity "Blahodiinist". Together with the European Business Association, we held events during which we talked about the benefits that philanthropists have. Several publications on the topic of taxation of charitable activities of business were published in the all-Ukrainian newspaper "Taxes and Accounting" on our initiative. 

Talking to entrepreneurs concerning their position, and highlighting the benefits of charitable activities in different ways, we motivate them to become philanthropists regularly.


There is a critical humanitarian situation in Ukraine due to Russian armed aggression. After February 24th, 2022, our "Toloka" Foundation continued its work and expanded its activities. Nowadays we provide humanitarian assistance in Kharkiv and the region together with local and foreign partners.


Aid to medical institutions

Kharkiv medical institutions are in the great focus of the Foundation's attention since the beginning of the war. 
Within the framework of the projects "Supporting Kharkiv Community in Crisis" and "Med Aid," the Foundation assisted: Kharkiv Military Medical Clinical Center of the Northern Region (military hospital), Regional Clinical Perinatal Center, Institute of General and Emergency Surgery named after V.T. Zaitsev of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, as well as Regional Clinical Trauma Hospital and City Clinical Hospital of Emergency and Ambulance Care. The medical institutions received modern diagnostic and surgical equipment, medical products and medicines, and functional equipment for patient care. 

We have seen that all this not only helps medics in their work but also provides them with moral support. Because they feel that they are not alone on their "front". And this inspires us to continue doing our job.


Aid to cultural institutions and establishments

Since the Kharkiv region was among the leaders in the sad statistics of Russian crimes against Ukrainian cultural heritage, in 2022 "Toloka" directed its efforts to prevent further destruction of historical buildings and museums damaged by shelling, to protect the material values stored in them. The aid was also needed by the collectives of cultural institutions and entities that continued to work in wartime.
Within the framework of the project "Supporting the Kharkiv Community in Crisis", the Foundation's support was provided to prominent cultural institutions of the Kharkiv region, which suffered the most as a result of rocket attacks and were ruined: National Literary and Memorial Museum of Grigory Skovoroda, Kharkiv State Scientific Library named after V.G. Korolenko, Kharkiv Regional Philharmonic, Art Museum, Kharkiv Literary Museum, Kharkiv National University of Arts named after I.P. Kotlyarevsky, and others. 


It is very easy to support us. Tell your friends and family about our foundation, and make a post on social networks, your blog or your newsletter. Become an ambassador of the foundation.Support the Foundation by donating in any of the ways listed below.If you are a business representative, we can discuss with you a convenient way of corporate charity. We are grateful for any help that contributes to the implementation of the Foundation's mission to create positive changes in society and to change the life of Kharkiv and its residents for the better.


Bank details:

KHARKIV COMMUNITY CHARITY FUND "TOLOKA" CHARITY ORGANIZATIONID code 40745926IBAN UA433515330000026002052223302 in Ukrainian Branch of CB "PRIVATBANK"Designation: Charity donation for statutory purposes.


Supervisory Board of the Foundation


Sergii Polituchyi

Сo-founder, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the FundFounder and President of the “Factor” Group of Companies, Honorary Consul of France in Kharkiv, Sumy and Poltava regions.Designation: Charity donation for statutory purposes.

Members of the Supervisory Board 


Eduard Rubin

Head of Telesens Int, Chairman of the Board of the EBA Kharkiv branch, founder of Kharkiv IT Cluster.


Pylyp Dykan

Journalist, TV presenter, actor, public figure, and researcher of Kharkiv history.


Liudmyla Rubanenko 

 Chairman of the Board of the Corporation "Consulting Group Rubanenko and Partners", member of the Methodological Council on Accounting at the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.


Volodymyr Lisovyi 

Rector of Kharkiv National Medical University, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Sciences.


Robert Mkrtchyan 

Founder of "Axioma" LLC, co-owner of "French Boulevard" shopping centre.



Maria Gorbonos

executive director


Iryna Chesna

fundraising manager (on a volunteer basis)


Yulia Zhilina

accountant of the foundation (on a volunteer basis)


Olha Khodyrieva

creative manager, event manager (on a volunteer basis)


Svitlana Pievtsova

 copywriter, PR manager (on a volunteer basis)






106A Sumska str., Kharkiv, 61002 Ukraine





CHARITY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF KHARKIV “TOLOKA”EDRPOU code 40745926IBAN UA403515330000026003052227299JSC CB "Privatbank" 

Privatbank credit card number: 5169 3351 0004 3419

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